Sunday, August 11, 2013

Fall is coming!

Ladies, it's official fall is fast approaching. It's almost here! I can feel it, taste it and scrapbook it! I went to Jo-Anns this weekend and guess what is out? Well I'll tell you because it made my weekend, the new fall and Halloween stacks are here!

DCWV's fall collection is here. This is the best news, but even more apparent I need a job, like now, like ten minutes ago. There are so many stacks I want to buy! Too bad I am stuck in Hawaii so I won't get to use any pretty fall paper for a little while.

Nothing can spoil my mood now that DCWV has said fall is here. Now where is my candy corn?

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Oh that blue water


It's the weekend! So after a rough day yesterday, I need a little retail therapy so what better than to buy some new paper! Right? So here's my treat to myself...

I couldn't resist DCWV's new Modern Meadow pad. I loved all the muted colors and geometric patterns. There was a whole wall of their brand new 6x6, and I want every single one of them. I tried to contain my shopping by agreeing to start off slowly for now and just get one, but I will be back! I love adding texture to a page, and their new 6x6 are full of textures that I love.

I was on a square theme for this page. I tried to pick colors that matched the pictures. DCWV's Lemon Flower stack is going to be perfect for Hawaii's beaches with the dark blacks, charcoals and grays.

Here is the finished page! I think it came together nicely and I am already working on the next set of pages. Be back soon! 

Today's square paper: 
Black square: DCWV Lemon Flower stack
Blue square: DCWV White Ginger Stack
Solid green: DCWV Lemon flower stack
Green gingham: Lime Twist Out of the Blue Stack